Hi there!

I'm Anirudh Singh

I'm a software engineer currently living in Bengaluru, India. I work as a Senior Software Engineer at Quizizz. I'm experienced in building products for high-growth and large-scale environments.

I spend my free time playing video games 🎮, experimenting with gamedev and systems languages, and reading/watching anything fantasy 🐲 or sci-fi 👽.


  • Senior Software Engineer   @ QuizizzAug '18 - Present

    • Worked across the stack on the product and infrastructure, helping scale the service to over 70M monthly users
    • Built highly performant UI components and pages to provide a seamless user experience (Vue.js)
    • Worked on revamping the authentication system from scratch, in order to optimize the memory being used for session cache storage and provide authentication across multiple microservices
    • Worked on upgrading and improving the performance of highly available and high traffic socket servers resulting in almost 40% reduction in memory usage
    • Worked on highly interactive real-time gameplay features for the product's core experience
    • Tech I work with - Node.js, Vue.js, Redis, AWS, MongoDB, Docker, WebSockets, RabbitMQ
  • Student Developer   @ LibreHealth (Google Summer of Code)May '18 - Aug '18

    • Worked on upgrading the codebase to PHP 7.1
    • Worked on some requested features such as a full-screen mode and some UI updates
    • Major project - worked on integrating a 3rd-party Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) into the core product (LibreEHR)
    • Set up the base infrastructure to possible allow integration of other LIMS options in the future
    • Created the UI encompassing all the features provided by an LIMS from scratch, using the APIs provided by the LIMS
    • Tech I used - PHP 7, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Contact Me

I'm not currently looking for any new opportunities but my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!